Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted anything since November! My life has been crazy! For Christmas I went up to Canada to see my awesome sweet grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins ( who I miss VERY much)! I have 11 aunts and uncles on my moms side and one is only 2 years older than me! It was a blast! Thanks Mom!! Even though it was like -100 DEGREES!!! It was so cold up there that ever time we would get in the car me and my sisters would scrap are windows with credit cards!!! LOL! My great uncle taught me and my sister self defense moves which we used to take down my aunts almost husband! And my other uncle made food that was too die for!! When I came home from Canada I had another Christmas at my dads. I got a HUGE NICE comforter and lilac sheets! Thanks Dad and Debi!! And now guess what? I have my own room!!! YAY!! I am SO excited! lately I have been hanging with friends, going to school, going to boys/girls basket ball games, dancing, and just being CRAZY!!! Now i am going to go to the basketball games and then go to my awesome best friend, Ashley's house! Yay! Bye-Bye